Weight Calibration

Our Services
In order to maintain traceability and accuracy, weights should be calibrated periodically by a mass lab with direct NIST traceability. Our weight calibration services are traceable to NIST and give you the confidence and documentation required to assist you in the use of your balance precision weights. Turnaround time for weight calibrations is a real world five to seven working days, or more immediate turnaround times may be scheduled in advance.
Inako Persada has the capability to calibrate balance precision weights ranging from 1mg up to 30kg. Extremely tight weight calibration uncertainties allow us to calibrate balance precision Ultra Class Weights, ASTM Class 0 Weights, ASTM Class 1 Weights down to ASTM Class 4 and ASTM Class 7 Weights. In addition we can also calibrate balance precision calibration weights to the international tolerances for OIML Class E2 Weights, OIML Class F1 Weights, OIML Class F2 Weights down to OIML Class M3 Weights. Our NIST Traceable Certificates are furnished with every weight calibration for your balance precision weights.
Which Accuracy Class best fits your requirements?
Micro and Ultra Micro Balance = ASTM Class 0
Analytical Balances = ASTM Classes 1, 2 & OIML Class E2
For Top Loading Balances = ASTM Classes 3, 4 & OIML Classes F1, F2
In order to maintain traceability and accuracy, weights should be calibrated periodically by a mass lab with direct NIST traceability. Our weight calibration services are traceable to NIST and give you the confidence and documentation required to assist you in the use of your balance precision weights. Turnaround time for weight calibrations is a real world five to seven working days, or more immediate turnaround times may be scheduled in advance.